Countdown timers

Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Bad day"

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Clinic fees guidlines withdrawn by SMA

Recently, the SMA (Singapore Medical Assocation) withdraw its guildlines on the doctor's consultation fees, giving the doctors to charge their own fees. Reason for SMA to withdraw the guildline is coz of the "competition act" which was enacted last year.

Hmmm... Interesting... It has certainly caught a lot of us by surprise.

So, is it good news or bad news to us? What about the GPs?

So, i can imagine what when i am sick, i go to the doctor. First question you are going to ask to person is not "how long must i wait?" it is "How much is the fee?" If the fees are too high, i just go over to the other clinic, being sick and all that.

And if a certain clinic charges a very low fee, which needs some traveling time, will the general population go there to see?

Personally, i do not know, i seldom see doctors, unless i am really sick. My defination of really sick is when i need an transport to go to get medical attention, usually the hospital. I only go and see a doctor when i need a MC, which is seldom also.

Doctors will learn to hate ppl like me.

What about the GPs point of view? Will they start over charging? Will they get into the competition mood and start slashing their prices? Will we see another price war happening in Singapore, just like the petrol companies?

A lot of things can happen. So, lets just sit back, and watch the show, laughing at comical sights, munching on an apple. Makes no sense to eat popcorn now, as now may not be the ideal period to fall sick. As the saying goes, " An apple a day keeps the doctor away", and " Laugher is the best medicine."

So, when you are sick, and you do not know which clinic charges the lowest rate, just laugh your head off.

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