Countdown timers

Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Bad day"

Sunday, July 30, 2006

NDP preview

Just came back from NDP preview. Carpark F again, that means, no Macdonald's, no KFC free refill of drinks.

Its the full deployment of medical services. SCDF Hazmat teams, SCDF decom vehicles, SCDF fire-fighting teams, SAF Hazmat teams, SAF EOD teams, SAF disaster coaches, MOH medical teams, NUH ambulances, TTSH ambulances, SAF medical tonners, SAF ambulances, Red Cross ambulances and of course, SJAB ambulances. There are more specialised teams out there, but i did not go and check.

Was boring as per normal, nothing to do, joking and crapping around at the carpark. Some low level fireworks sequence had change. But its seems nicer, but not for those in the blue sector, (opp grandstand). We got a huge amount of snacks. Potota chips, breads, pears, ice-creams and green tea. Either the SAF personnal are generous, or the sponsers are generous, but looking at the amount, it seems that both parties are generous.

Something pisses all of us off. I shall not go into details here, but i think someone or some fellows take things too personnal. Its had gone way too much and one of us is really pissed off and gotten angry.

I mean, we are all donning the same uniform, we have the same motto "for the faith and for the service to mankind." We go to duties with the common goal, and the common objectives. We want the public to be assured upon seeing us, knowing that professional help is always around. Unlike others, we don't pull rank, the "I-am-higher-ranking-than-you" bullshit. And in duties, we cannot afford to play politics.

But all these happened today. It happened, again. What's with the politics? What's with the checkings? I remember a verse in a movie "PTU" which Simon Lam (actor) was saying, "Those donning the same uniform are one of us". Where's the teamwork? where's the brotherhood? where's the team?

We duty siaos operate differently. We are a team. We support each other, we have gatherings together, we eat suppers after duty together, we joked together, we response to a case together. A bond had formed. When i was in trouble, the whole team stood by me, knowing i did no wrong. When i need manpower, the whole team came. What more could a team member ask for?

This is the kind of teams that had formed in US Navy SEAL TEAM 6, when Richard Marainko had planned, designed the unit, and later become its first CO. You can read all about it in the book, "ROUGE WARRIOR".

That's the same for my zone. I am proud to say this sentence.


Thanks to Sarizan for coming up with this. And thanks to all the officers in zone 3 for making the statement so true. Lets all work harder, and make zone 3 a better zone!!!

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