Countdown timers

Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Bad day"

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Diesel price war?

Life's pretty quiet and surprisingly calm these few days. Nothing much happening around me.

But calmness can be deciving. Heard of the saying "calmness come before a storm"? I guess, the "storm" is going to be the NDP preview, whereby i shall have lots of things to blog about.

NEL line stopped on Monday. But i don't take trains, especially NEL. So, nothing to brag about. SMRT have applied to the PTC to raise fares, citing raising diseal costs. Hmmm... this goes to show that not everything that goes up will come down, laws of PTC and GST.

Sounds gloomy right? But i had a pleasant surprise early this week.

On Monday, i was driving around, when i pass by a SPC petrol station. I nearly slammed on the brakes, coz i saw something super unbelievable. You know, all along, all petrol companies offered a 10% discount on diesel. SPC on monday had raised up to 22% discount!!!

At first, i saw a 2, and i though that something happened to the discount rates, and that's when i saw another 2 infront of the 2, and that nearly cause me to slam on my brakes for a better look. Yes, its 22% discount!! i screamed out in joy!!!

And i thought that is the Max. I was wrong. Yesterday, the discounts went up to 25%!!! Super unbelievable! In the face of raising fares, raising costs, discounts also rise. But how long will that discount last? In fact, i got this gut feeling that those discount can only last for a few days, and persto, they are gone as fast as they came.

Just hope that they can stay longer, and maybe an increase in the discounts.

Just hoping against hope.


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