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Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Bad day"

Monday, July 23, 2007

Spying colour laser printers

If you are using laser colour printers, beware!!!

They can be used to spy on you!!!

No, i have not been watching James Bond movie... i got that news from a yahoo site.

Find Out If Your Printer is Spying on You
Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:20PM EDT

"Did you know that many (in fact, most) color laser printers are spying on you whenever you print a document? Though you may not have heard the news, the discovery was announced in late 2005. Manufacturers embed a pattern of tiny yellow dots on printed pages. The dots are too small to be seen with the naked eye (especially since they're yellow, see the above photo to see what they actually look like), but under a microscope and blue light they're revealed. The dots are placed in a pattern unique to each printer, and since most color laser printers are purchased through well-documented service providers or direct from the manufacturer, it's simple to track any printed page back to the owner of the printer."

Wah... I don't know that before. So, before you used your laser colour printer to play a prank or something more sinister, think again. It would not be long before the police comes knocking on your door, and inviting you for a cup of coffee.

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