Countdown timers

Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Bad day"

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bad comments in my tagboard

Let me tell you the story of George Washington and the tree.

(I can almost hear the groans out there, from my readers.) Okie... i shall spare you all out there, but to those who did not hear the story, here's the summerise version of the summery of that story.

George Washington chopped down his father's favourite tree, and when his father asked who chopped down, little George admitted to it. And in the end, his father praised him for being so honest.

Morale of the story? Admit when you did something wrong. If you dare enough to do something, please have that same courage to admit it and to reveal who you are.

A small battle happened in my tagboard. Here's the "battle".

"... : SJRU is a bunch of hypocrites and backstabber"

"S.O - ... : Can you identify yourself? Or you are so scared?"

"...(ks): hu is afraid of you man..."

"S.O - ...(ks): Can you reveal your name?"

"... : no time to entertain you..bye..chao.."

Wow... Dare to say something bad about some organisations, but don't dare to reveal who the hell he/she is... And when pressed for it, the response is "no time to entertain you". No time, still got time to tag at my blog meh?

Ain't it very hypocrite?

Even the police will not act on complains that the complainant does not reveal himself/herself, and that call will be treated as a nuisance call.

If that fellow is reading this. Identify yourself, and tell us straight in the face what's the problem you are facing, and how can we go about solving it. No sense use using my blog tagboard to deframe us.

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