Countdown timers

Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Bad day"

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dengue reaches epidemic levels

Dengue reaches epidemic levels in Singapore.

This is a worrying trend. It has reach epidemic levels in Singapore.

Graphs showing the past history of dengue cases.

Hotspots of dengue outbreak in Singapore.

(Graphs are taken from NEA website)

And in the world, the dengue hotspots are,

Picture from

Dengue is caused by a (+)ssRNA, positive single strand RNA (Ribosenucleic Acid) virus, belonging to the Flaviviridae famile and the Flavivirus Genus.

If you that sway sway (unlucky) to kena (catch) the dengue, you will know when you suddenly develop a high fever, with severe headache, muscle and joint pains.

So, lets do take care of ourselves.

Declare war on the mozzies!!! KILL KILL KILL!!!

And this website teaches you how to fight against mozzies!!

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