Countdown timers

Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Bad day"

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Vesak's day

Yup. Its a public holiday today, and lots of you peeps can sleep late, go out shopping, movies, outings etc etc...

Think about those ppl who have to work today. Ppl in the service line, Bus / MRT Drivers, Health care workers, those on alert Red standby (SAF personnal) etc etc.. Public holidays mean nothing to them. This thought came to me when i was preparing to go to work. Holidays mean nothing to me now.

But there's a minor thing. Holidays to me means boss is not around, and this is what happen in office today.

Please take note. We are not slacking around, we are waiting for the machinary process to finish, and there's nothing else we can do. Even the canteen is not open, and have to go out and tabao makan.

Took a picture of a vehicle at Aaron's area..(yah, went to visit him) Finally found a civilian car that must traval slower than my van!!

A Honda CRX, with a maximum speed limit of 60kmph?!?!?! That vehicle better not overtake my van.

Went down to one of my favourite place, to chill out.

When i say chill out, i really mean it. That place was cold siah. Ask CY about it.

CY, a little words for you:
Time can heal all wounds, even though it will leave a scar. Move on, dun think so much. Dun not forget there are still good friends (beside wlny ppl) around you.

Words of wisdom from the Asshole:

* In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of
Incompetence. Work is accomplished by those employees who have yet
to reach their level of incompetence.

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