Countdown timers

Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Bad day"

Monday, June 19, 2006

Work and work and work

The night is still young, the machine is running, my stomach is groaning and i am starting to feel sleepy. I cannot go home, i miss my bed, my TV, my DVD...

I am still working now. Its is now 2300 hours, and there's about 8 more hours to go till i can finally leave this place. I had already worked for 14 hours straight, and there's about 8 more hours. Nope, i am not an workaholic, nor a crazy guy.

Testing of new cooling system for the vacuum dryer in process. In the past, once the water gets heated up, we have to change the whole tank of water, and when the full production gets underway, we have to work 3 shifts. To me, this is a total waste of water and manhours. My long ago proposal to my boss is finally fullfilled. We are using chilled (5 degree C) water to cool down the water tank, using heat exchanger cooling coil method. I dreamt of this system, i advised contractors of my system which i had envisionised, it's my baby. That's why its me staying over the night to monitor the testing process, instead of my colleagues. I want to know first hand if it work, after spending so much time to design and to persuade my boss.

It is working beautifully. The water in the tank does not remain at room temperature. The temperature dropped! No more water wastage, no more night shifts for my colleagues! It worked!! It actually worked! 8 more hours to go before declaring the test a success, and to declare the cooling system operational.

Finally, the sweet taste of a small success began to appear. It's not the first time that my proposals to make the production more streamlined work, (some projects failed before), but still the taste of success is goddamm sweet! (pardon my language). It's going to be a success unless something cock-up with the chiller or the pipe cracked.

Nope, its not over yet. This project stills need some modifications. I can forsee some problems and works still need to be done.

8 more hours. I can almost see my boss smiling. He was quite fed up with the frequent change of water and the wastage of manpower for night shift.

8 more hours. To change the factory operations from now on.

8 more hours. To give everyone more rest, and a break from the graveyard shift.

8 more hours. To give me and my colleague back the 5 day office hour work schedule.

Just 8 more hours.

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