Countdown timers

Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Bad day"

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Uniquely Singapore

There's something funny about being a Singaporeans.

Wait, let me tell you the story from the beginning.

Went for some duties, its a buddhist organisation celebrating 25 years, and they had invited the 17th kamapa, from Tibet, for some prayers session.

The crowd was huge. There's a few prayer sessions all the way till Friday (tomorrow evening), followed by a dinner on Sunday.

You can see the followers from all over the world, including Ang Mors. They came even as far as from Europe and US. There are a lot of Singaporeans too. Much respect was given to the monks and the organising committee.

When the monks arrived, the crowds clasp their hands and bow. Its the same thing during the prayer process. And again, the same things happen during the monks' departure.

But once the monks departed, the ugly side of Singaporeans begin to show.

There was a mad frantic rush to the exit. As if the building was on fire and all are rushing to get out.

The road is very narrow. And you can see cars blocking the traffic, picking up the devotees.

And the vehicles behind start honking. Blasting.

And the ppl start to jaywalk across the road. There's almost an RTA incident when i was there yesterday night.

Typical Kiasu Singaporeans. But, this is the unique point of Singapore. The manners of Singaporeans.

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